
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


You can now upload email lists to Wiza and enrich them with LinkedIn URLs, job titles, location, company info and more!
How it works:
  • Upload a CSV with emails
  • Optionally include fields like LinkedIn URL, Company Name, etc.
  • Get enriched data, including updated LinkedIn profiles.
  • Click
    Lists → Start a scan → Upload a CSV
  • Select and map your fields
  • Start the scan to enrich your list
To see a video tutorial, visit our Help Center.
Get even better results now when you upload a list of LinkedIn profile URLs to Wiza to enrich with job titles, location, industry, company info and more!
How it works:
  • Upload a .CSV file with LinkedIn profile URLs.
  • Ensure your CSV contains a header labeled "LinkedIn URL."
  • Wiza will enrich with contact and company data based on the provided URLs.
Steps to Upload:
  • Click
    Lists → Start a scan → Upload a CSV
  • Map the "LinkedIn URLs" field
  • Start the scan and download the enriched data
Wiza will find valid contact info in real-time! Then, download the data file or send it directly to your CRM.
To see a video tutorial, visit our Help Center.
We're excited to announce advanced fields available when exporting!
The new fields include:
  • Sub Title:
    Brief professional title or position.
  • Summary
    : A brief overview of the individual's professional background and skills.
  • Months at Current Position:
    Duration in months spent in the current role.
  • Months at Current Company:
    Duration in months spent at the current company.
  • Current Job Description:
    Description outlining the responsibilities and tasks of the current position.
  • Is Premium:
    Indicates whether the LinkedIn account is a premium (paid) subscription.
  • Open to Work:
    Specifies if the individual is open to new job opportunities.
  • Person Industry:
    The industry or sector the individual is associated with.
  • Skills:
    List professional skills and competencies.
  • Languages:
    Languages spoken or proficiently known by the individual.
  • Certifications:
    Professional certifications obtained by the individual.
  • Education:
    Academic qualifications and degrees attained.
  • Work History:
    Past employment positions.
For more info, check out our Help Center
To activate these fields, reach out on our live chat, or email
Wiza phone data just got a whole lot better.
We've tripled the number of cell phones in our database, with highly accurate data.
Enjoy increased coverage today anywhere you prospect.
Users can now Refresh Lists with Wiza!
Refreshing a list will check the Linkedin Profile of each contact from a search, get updated information, and re-enrich with contact information.
So if you want to redo a search, getting new results for a given search, you should still be opening the search back up, and re-exporting with the Chrome Extension.
However, if you want to update the contacts from an existing list with their most up-to-date information, you can refresh the list using this new feature!
We recommend reserving this feature for older lists, where a larger portion of the list will have new titles, companies, and emails.
For more info, check out our Help Center
Wiza's CSV upload now allows you to upload a list of Linkedin URL's, and retrieve up-to-date, enriched data on your contacts!
We'll check the profile for the most up-to-date data, and use our industry-leading contact information finding engine to also enrich that contact.
Give it a try today!
You might have noticed our new UI. We've refreshed our look, and hopefully, made things easier to use.
If you have any feedback, let us know in our live chat.
We're excited to announce that our Zapier integration is now live in beta within the Wiza App.
Connect Wiza with over 5000+ apps through the 'Integrate' page within your Wiza account. The possibilities are endless!
We've just added SSO through Okta to Wiza! If you're interested in adding this to your team Wiza account, please get in touch with our sales team through our live chat or email
For more info, visit our Help Center
We're super excited to launch the new Wiza Chrome Extension today!
With this update, finding contact information on Linkedin gets even more powerful.
After finding a lead's contact information, you can quickly and easily save the lead to a new list within your Wiza dashboard, complete with over 30 data points on your prospect.
You'll also notice a new 'Sync' button. When this is selected, your lead will be sent straight to your CRM that's integrated with your Wiza account.
This update makes finding contact information on Linkedin a breeze, give it a try now!
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